The True Facts about the Egg Donor Matching Process…
The concept of “Donor Matching” may give the impression that finding a suitable egg donor is a complex and a time consuming task for which a fee must be charged. The concept, likely originated by one of the numerous egg donor banks and agencies in the United States, was designed mainly to impress you and justify charging more money for this service.
Donor matching is a straightforward process that involves searching the egg donor database using your specific attributes to find suitable donors. The key attributes considered are blood type and Rh factor, eye color, natural hair color and height. It is important to note that factors such as the donor’s academic performance, intelligence quotient (IQ), profession, and hobbies like music or art do not necessarily determine your child’s abilities. The long answer to this question is intricate and multifaceted and there isn’t enough research to make any significant conclusions.
Debunking the Myth
It is a common misconception that our sperm and eggs carry only our own characteristics. However, this is not true. In reality, our genetic material comes from our entire gene pool, including our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles.
When it comes to egg donation and the genetic material delivered by a particular sperm, the resulting baby may resemble the father or sperm donor if their DNA characteristics are expressed (epigenetics). However, it is also possible for that specific sperm to carry traits from distant relatives, such as an aunt, who had curly blonde hair and brown eyes. In such cases, the son or daughter may not resemble the source of the sperm at all. It all comes down to chance, as each sperm cell carries a unique combination of ancestral genes.
The same principle applies to the eggs (oocytes) of your egg donor. Any given egg can contain genes from any group of the donor’s ancestors, regardless of their physical resemblance.
Based on these facts, choosing an exceptionally intelligent and beautiful donor does not automatically mean that the child will possess the same attributes.
Hereditary Disorders and Medical History
The topic of hereditary disorders in the egg donor’s family is the next concern to consider when transitioning to egg donation, right? Actually, today the focus is on Genetic Carrier Screening. If your partner undergos the expanded carrier screening panel and the results come back negative, it doesn’t matter what genetic disorders the donor’s family may have, except for psychological disorders. However, if your partner has a mutation, we will test the donor for the same mutation, and if she tests negative, there is no need to worry. The Expanded Genetic Carrier Screening panel addresses any apprehensions you may have regarding the medical and hereditary background of the egg donor.
Egg Donor Selection and Screening |Medical Tests
Medical screening of the egg donor is manditory and performed by one of our reproductive endocrinologist and is regulated by the Ministry of Health in Ukraine. You can download the comprehensive list of oocyte donor’s tests here.
The primary concern lies in the recipients’ need to establish a meaningful connection with the donor, enabling them to begin their egg donation program. If you are facing mental obstacles and waiting for the perfect donor who fulfills all your criteria, it indicates a reluctance to fully commit and using the excuse of not finding the right donor as a mere convenience to delay the inevitable.
Some recipients undergoing the transition to egg donation may feel the need to identify with the donor as part of the Acceptance stage, which can inadvertently prolong the decision-making process. It’s important to remember that physical resemblance to the donor does not impact the appearance of your future child.
Many recipients base their perception of the donor’s compassionate nature solely on her appearance. This can create a sense of comfort and positivity for the recipient as they proceed with the embryo transfer process.
Donor Matching is a streamlined procedure that can be completed quickly and without any additional expenses. Our primary focus is on addressing the crucial factors that guarantee a successful implantation and the birth of a healthy child. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the process, we encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our dedicated coaches. Our team is available seven days a week, from 09:00 to 22:00, to assist you. Schedule an appointment NOW